102: Recap Episode: Refining Your Workflow and Analyzing Key Metrics


woman-67127_1920 In this solo recap episode, I discuss the most important points and takeaways from my recent chat with Randy dela Fuente, the founder of Snapizzi.

Here’s a recap of what I rant about in this episode 🙂

Your business workflow is so important.

By business workflow, I’m referring to the step-by-step process you go through as you interact with your client, complete their photo session, and then follow up afterwards. This also includes the process you go through when editing your photos. Having a set workflow to move each client through will help your business be that much more efficient, and also treat each client with care.

Analyze your business, refine your business, and then incorporate new processes into your business.

It’s so easy to get stuck in the same habits, isn’t it? However, continuously refining your processes will help you be more efficient, and will help you free up more time to enjoy life. This can include your photo-processing workflow.

Measure and improve the key metrics in your photography business.

This includes which marketing channels are working for you, such as Facebook advertising, Goolge adwords, your website’s seo power, etc. Also, this includes figuring out your average profit per customer, or per event. Once you know these numbers, you can take steps to incrementally improve the profitability of your business.


