Tips for the Workaholic: How to Take A Break

how to take a break

Running a photography business is so tough. It really is!

That does not mean that you can neglect your personal life and health. You probably know someone who has let their business become their life and when that happens your life, and your business can start falling apart.

One of the common phrases is burning the candle at both ends. It’s nearly impossible to sustain being so involved in your business that you don’t take a few days off. Here are a few ideas on how you might be able to work on a better work/life balance.

Dinner and a Movie

Something as simple as a dinner and a movie is a great way to break up work time. You don’t need a significant other to partake either. Friends and family will do and even a pet if you want to stay at home and cook for yourself.

Setting this as a date in your planner is one of the best ways to ensure that you will hold true to this and take a break from constant work.


Next is a crowd favorite; a massage. Though these do cost money, they are actually scheduled appointments, so you are so much more likely to take that break you need to go to your massage when others are waiting for you.

Massages are beneficial for a number of reasons. It gives you time to yourself to relax, it’s great for your body, and it mentally rejuvenating as well. By taking time to do a few of these ideas, you will see more than just physical benefits.


Walking acts as double duty. In fact, there are many photographers, and some famous historical philosophers, who found walking almost therapeutic. Walking is one of the best ways to break up your working time. It offers uninterrupted time in the outdoors with fresh air and nothing but time to think.

You can make plans or think of nothing at all if you want! Make some small mental lists and organize your thought before you step back into the office space you have.


Another major way that photographers can relax and unwind is through music. Any music is excellent, and it’s a good idea just to sit and listen to music. Sit, think, walk, close your eyes and just listen. If you are focusing on other things, music will help you calm your mind so you can empty your thoughts and take some time away from photography as a whole; even if it’s only three minutes at a time.

Other Art

A trend that is catching on more and more is that artists are trying new types of art other than their own. In fact, your photography business might actually be improved if you are experimenting with new mediums like music, painting, pottery and more.

There are many good things to say about someone who works very hard and to build a successful photography business, that’s what it will take. But this success should not come at the cost of your mental and personal health or your social life. Working hard on your own to find a balance on how you can separate yourself from you and your business. There’s a really strong possibility that by taking time away from the business periodically will make everything strong and more fresh for the future.