116: Commercial Architecture Photographer Michael Muraz On Ninja Marketing Tips, Revenue Goals, and Persistence


Michael Muraz is an award-winning commercial and fine art architecture photographer based in Toronto, Canada. Originally an engineer, Michael now works with clients like architects and interior designers, documenting buildings and spaces. When he’s not running his business, he’s traveling to photograph architecture and cityscapes around the world. He’s also started teaching individuals and groups the different facets of architecture photography through workshops and conferences.

I want to give a huge thank you to Michael for taking the time to chat with us! I consider myself as much a student as the listening audience, and appreciate him sharing his extensive knowledge.

In this interview, we discuss:

  • Knowing your numbers, and revenue goals per month, per quarter, and per year. Knowing how much you need to make each month.
  • Being persistent in reaching out to new businesses to work with
  • Thinking up new ways to reach out to people and businesses
  • The importance of delegation in order to free yourself up to do more of what you love

Michael Muraz Can Be Found At:
» www.michaelmuraz.com